Type | Location | Extends | Description |
absorbLayer_base_type | tem_absorbLayer_module | None | This type contains data to define base absorbLayer |
coordRotation_type | tem_coordinate_module | None | datatype to transform varibales given in one coordinate |
cpl_value_type | tem_coupling_module | None | |
cutoff_type | tem_ic_predefs_module | None | cutoff radius definition |
depSource_type | tem_construction_module | None | Type to specify the dependencies of ghost and halo cells. E.g.: used to specify which cells have to be known to be able to interpolate a ghost/halo cell |
dyn_intarray_type | tem_dyn_array_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for integer |
dyn_labelarray_type | tem_dyn_array_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for character(len=labellen) |
dyn_longarray_type | tem_dyn_array_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for integer(kind=long_k) |
dyn_patharray_type | tem_path_array_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for type(tem_path_type) |
dyn_realarray_type | tem_dyn_array_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for real(kind=rk) |
dyn_variable | test_copyOperator | None | |
elemid_list_type | tem_subres_prop_module | None | |
grw_boxarray_type | tem_box_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_box_type) |
grw_char2darray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | |
grw_chararray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for character |
grw_cylinderarray_type | tem_cylinder_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_cylinder_type) |
grw_dtint2darray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for type(intarray2d_type) |
grw_dynintarray_type | tem_arrayofarrays_module | None | growing array type for type(dyn_intarray_type) |
grw_dynlongarray_type | tem_arrayofarrays_module | None | growing array type for type(dyn_longarray_type) |
grw_ellipsoidarray_type | tem_ellipsoid_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_ellipsoid_type) |
grw_grw_stencilelementarray_type | tem_element_module | None | growing array type for type(grw_stencilelementarray_type) |
grw_int2darray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | |
grw_intarray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for integer |
grw_labelarray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for character(len=labellen) |
grw_linearray_type | tem_line_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_line_type) |
grw_logical2darray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | |
grw_logicalarray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for logical |
grw_long2darray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | |
grw_longarray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for integer(kind=long_k) |
grw_matrixarray_type | tem_matrix_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_matrix_type) |
grw_pointarray_type | tem_point_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_point_type) |
grw_real2darray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | |
grw_realarray_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | growing array type for real(kind=rk) |
grw_spherearray_type | tem_sphere_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_sphere_type) |
grw_stencilelementarray_type | tem_stencil_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_stencilelement_type) |
grw_stencilheaderarray_type | tem_stencil_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_stencilheader_type) |
grw_stringkeyvaluepairarray_type | tem_stringKeyValuePair_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_stringkeyvaluepair_type) |
grw_trianglearray_type | tem_triangle_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_triangle_type) |
grw_varoparray_type | tem_varSys_module | None | growing array type for type(tem_varsys_op_type) |
hvs_ascii_type | hvs_ascii_module | None | Description of the opened files for ascii output. |
hvs_asciiSpatial_type | hvs_ascii_module | None | Description of the opened files for ascii output. |
hvs_output_config_type | hvs_output_module | None | This data type contains data loaded from disk. |
hvs_output_file_type | hvs_output_module | None | |
hvs_vtk_config_type | hvs_vtk_type_module | None | Configuration of the VTK output. |
hvs_vtk_file_type | hvs_vtk_type_module | None | Description of the opened files for VTK output. |
ic_2dcrvp_type | tem_ic_predefs_module | None | This type contains datas to define 2d co-rotating vortex pair |
ic_gausspulse_type | tem_ic_predefs_module | None | This type contains datas to define gauss pulse |
ic_tgv_type | tem_ic_predefs_module | None | |
innerDT_type | derivedType_memAlloc | None | |
intArray2d_type | tem_grow_array_module | None | |
outerDT_type | derivedType_memAlloc | None | |
outerDTarr_type | derivedType_memAlloc | None | |
outerDTpnt_type | derivedType_memAlloc | None | |
scheme_type | tem_varSys_stateVar_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_varSys_deriveVar_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_spacetime_fun_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_variable_extract_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_variable_combine_Test | None | |
solver_type | tem_varSys_opVar_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_varSys_stateVar_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_varSys_stfunVar_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_varSys_test | None | |
solver_type | tem_variable_evaltype_test | None | |
spatial_hopf_type | tem_spatial_module | None | Defines a stationary solution of the Euler equation by the Hopf Fibration. |
spatial_parabol_type | tem_spatial_module | None | defines parabola functions shape kind defines 2d or 3d parabola |
spatial_random_type | tem_spatial_module | None | Defines a random spatial distribution within a given interval. |
spatial_value_type | tem_spatial_module | None | stores values of spatial term during initialization to reduce computations during main loop. |
spongeLayer_type | tem_spongeLayer_module | None | This type contains data to define spongeLayer |
tem_abortCriteria_type | tem_abortCriteria_module | None | Definition of the various abort criteria. |
tem_absorbLayer_box_type | tem_absorbLayer_module | None | This type contains data to define box absorbLayer. |
tem_absorbLayer_plane_type | tem_absorbLayer_module | None | This type contains data to define planar absorbLayer |
tem_absorbLayer_radial_type | tem_absorbLayer_module | None | This type contains data to define radial absorbLayer. |
tem_acoustic_pulse_type | tem_acoustic_pulse_module | None | Analytical solution for an acoustic wave emitted by a Gaussian pulse as described in Tam: Computational Acoustics, a wave number approach. Appendix G.3. |
tem_adapt_type | tem_adaptation_config_module | None | Datatype containig information about adaptation of the mesh |
tem_aps_coupling_type | tem_coupling_module | None | Coupling description defined in config file from load space time function which is called from load boundary condition or load sources |
tem_balance_type | tem_balance_module | None | Load balancing information and control |
tem_bc_header_type | tem_bc_header_module | None | This type describes the general, not solver specific, header information given in the Lua configuration of the solvers. |
tem_BC_prop_type | tem_bc_prop_module | None | |
tem_bc_state_type | tem_bc_module | None | boundary state type definition for boundary state variable |
tem_box_type | tem_box_module | None | This type contains origin and vec of box in each direction |
tem_canonicalND_type | tem_canonicalND_module | None | Definition of the canonicalND |
tem_color_prop_type | tem_color_prop_module | None | |
tem_comm_env_type | tem_comm_env_module | None | Information about parallel runs |
tem_commPattern_type | tem_comm_module | None | General description of the communication pattern to use. |
tem_communication_type | tem_comm_module | None | Description of communication data |
tem_condition_type | tem_condition_module | None | Datatype containing different conditions to be checked Currently only threshold and operator are defined |
tem_convergence_type | tem_convergence_module | None | The convergence type which contains convergence flag and an instance of the condition type |
tem_convergenceHeader_type | tem_convergence_module | None | Convergence description loaded from config file |
tem_cube_type | tem_cube_module | None | An auxilary data type to describe a cube. |
tem_cylinder_type | tem_cylinder_module | None | This type provides information to create cylinder geometry |
tem_cylindricalWave_type | tem_cylindricalWave_module | None | This type contains datas to define the scalar cylindrical wave. |
tem_cylindricalWave_type | tem_cylindricalWave_module | None | This type contains datas to define the scalar cylindrical wave. |
tem_debug_type | tem_debug_module | None | Debug option definitions |
tem_deformation_type | tem_transformation_module | None | Data type defines geometry scale and rotation |
tem_depend_type | tem_depend_module | None | Datatype containing information about dependency of geomIncrease header on other scheme(s) |
tem_direction_type | tem_geometry_module | None | derived type for each direction |
tem_element_type | tem_element_module | None | |
tem_ellipsoid_type | tem_ellipsoid_module | None | |
tem_face_descriptor_type | tem_faceData_module | None | Datatype to provide face information for all faces in one direction on the same level. |
tem_face_type | tem_faceData_module | None | Datatype for all faces in the mesh per level. |
tem_faceDep_type | tem_faceData_module | None | Datatype to represent dependencies (in up- and downward direction) of the faces in a TREELM mesh. We only store face dependencies between the two adjacent refinement levels (i.e. vertical dependencies consider only a refinement level jump of 1 in both refinement directions). |
tem_faceInterpolation_type | tem_faceData_module | None | Container to store the face that require interpolations. |
tem_faceIterator_type | tem_faceData_module | None | Iterator for a certain type of faces |
tem_faceList_type | tem_faceData_module | None | A unique list (i.e. guaranteees that no duplicates occur) collecting a set of faces in one direction. |
tem_file_layout_type | tem_restart_module | None | |
tem_from_file_temporal_type | tem_temporal_module | None | contains information for loading inlet velocities from a datafile The data has to be stored as tuples (time,velocity) columnwise. t1 v1 t2 v2 ... tn vn and v1 .eq. vn has to be fullfilled. The data has to be provided in the format '(e15.8)' |
tem_general_type | tem_general_module | None | Global parameter type contains all general information needed for all solvers |
tem_global_type | tem_global_module | None | A datatype describing the global mesh information, present in all partitions (on all processes). |
tem_grwPoints_type | tem_pointData_module | None | Data type contain 1D growing array of points for each dimension. In general, they are space coordinate in the treelmesh but for Ateles solver variables, they are used to store local coordinate with in a reference element. |
tem_haloList_type | tem_halo_module | None | Data structure to store the halo elements according to the partner process with which they need to be exchanged. |
tem_heaviside_gibbs_type | tem_heaviside_gibbs_fun_module | None | Defines a Heaviside function, including Gibbs oscillations. |
tem_indexLvl_type | tem_operation_module | None | Type to store the index of points of the inputs levelwise, since points are levelwise |
tem_ini_condition_type | tem_ini_condition_module | None | Definition of the initial condition. The ini_state must exist for each variable |
tem_intbuffer_type | tem_comm_module | None | process-wise buffer for data of type integer |
tem_intersec | tem_intersection_module | None | |
tem_intersec_elem | tem_intersection_module | None | |
tem_intList | tem_tools_module | None | linked list of integers |
tem_intpMatrixLSF_type | tem_matrix_module | None | This derived type encapsulates the definition of least square fit matrix for interpolation method which is required for every combination of available nSourceFromCoarser |
tem_labeledtimer_type | tem_timer_module | None | |
tem_levelDesc_type | tem_construction_module | None | detailed information of a complete level of elements including all treeIDs, properties and neighbors as well as informations about ghost/halo cells and its dependencies for interpolation/reconstruction |
tem_levelNeighbor_type | tem_construction_module | None | identification parameters for different lists includes the direct neighbors of each tree ID |
tem_line | tem_intersection_module | None | |
tem_line_type | tem_line_module | None | This type contains line definition i.e origin and vector which defines the direction of the line |
tem_linear_type | tem_temporal_module | None | contains information for predefined temporal functions |
tem_logging_type | tem_logging_module | None | |
tem_longbuffer_type | tem_comm_module | None | process-wise buffer for data of type integer(kind=long_k) |
tem_longList | tem_tools_module | None | linked list of long integers |
tem_matrix_type | tem_matrix_module | None | This derived type encapsulates the definition of the matrix |
tem_mieexpansion_type | tem_miescatter_module | None | Expansion data for the Mier scatter solution. |
tem_mieexpansion_type | tem_miescatter_module | None | Expansion data for the Mier scatter solution. |
tem_miescatter_field_type | tem_miescatter_module | None | Parameters of the solution for Mie-Scatter at dielectric cylinder (infinite height in z direction). |
tem_miescatter_field_type | tem_miescatter_module | None | Parameters of the solution for Mie-Scatter at dielectric cylinder (infinite height in z direction). |
tem_miescatter_type | tem_miescatter_module | None | Parameters of the solution for Mie-Scatter at dielectric cylinder (infinite height in z direction) |
tem_miescatter_type | tem_miescatter_module | None | Parameters of the solution for Mie-Scatter at dielectric cylinder (infinite height in z direction) |
tem_neighbor_type | tem_geometry_module | None | type neighbor_type includes the direct neighbors of each tree ID |
tem_output_type | tem_output_module | None | Detailed information about output |
tem_parentIDs_type | tem_surfaceData_module | None | |
tem_path_type | tem_topology_module | None | Paths of elements from the root node to themselves going through the hierarchy of the tree. Is used to compare to elements |
tem_plane | tem_intersection_module | None | |
tem_plane_type | tem_plane_module | None | type contains intrinsic plane information |
tem_pmlLayer_type | tem_pmlLayer_module | None | This type contains datas to define PML layer. |
tem_point_type | tem_point_module | None | This type contains coordinate of a point |
tem_pointData_list_type | tem_pointData_module | None | Data type contains pointData information for all levels. |
tem_pointData_type | tem_pointData_module | None | Data type contains growing array of points, evaluated variable value on those points per level For solver variables, additional information like elemPos and local coord are stored for every point. |
tem_polygon_material_type | tem_polygon_material_module | None | Description of a 2D closed polygon. |
tem_polygon_movement_type | tem_polygon_material_module | None | Type to store information regarding the movement of the polygon |
tem_polygon_vertex_type | tem_polygon_material_module | None | Type to store the vertices for the polygon |
tem_possible_variable_type | tem_varMap_module | None | Contains possible variable labels and their nComponents |
tem_property_type | tem_property_module | None | An auxilary data type to describe modifications and additional features for some elements. |
tem_prophead_type | tem_prophead_module | None | |
tem_radialSpongeLayer_type | tem_spongeLayer_module | None | This type contains data to define radial spongeLayer |
tem_realbuffer_type | tem_comm_module | None | process-wise buffer for data of type real(kind=rk) |
tem_reduction_spatial_config_type | tem_reduction_spatial_module | None | |
tem_reduction_spatial_type | tem_reduction_spatial_module | None | This data type is providing the input for the reduction routines It must be filled by the solver, before the reduction is called It exists on each process |
tem_reduction_transient_config_type | tem_reduction_transient_module | None | Contains transient reduction info loaded from variable table for reduction_transient operation kind |
tem_reduction_transient_type | tem_reduction_transient_module | None | all data needed for a transient reduction, operation to perform and necessary data from previous timesteps |
tem_restart_type | tem_restart_module | None | The restart type defining everything related to the disk input/output |
tem_restartControl_type | tem_restart_module | None | Control the behavior of the restart, like at which point in time etc. |
tem_restartHeader_type | tem_restart_module | None | Define quantities like the prefix, the mesh and the timestamp |
tem_shape_type | tem_shape_module | None | Complete shape definitions |
tem_simControl_type | tem_simControl_module | None | Data structure to describe the overall control of a simulation. |
tem_solveHead_type | tem_solveHead_module | None | Solver header information |
tem_solverAborts_type | tem_abortCriteria_module | None | Abstract type to describe solver specific abort criteria. |
tem_sourceElems_type | tem_pointData_module | None | Contains source elements required for interpolation to derive solver variables |
tem_spacetime_fun_type | tem_spacetime_fun_module | None | Contains space time function definition |
tem_sparta_type | tem_Sparta_module | None | |
tem_spatial_type | tem_spatial_module | None | contains spatial state information |
tem_sphere_type | tem_sphere_module | None | type contains sphere information |
tem_st_fun_linkedList_type | tem_spacetime_fun_module | None | Type used to create linked list of space time function (tem_st_fun_listElem_type) |
tem_st_fun_listElem_type | tem_spacetime_fun_module | None | An element for a spacetime function within a linked list. |
tem_status_type | tem_status_module | None | Define an array to hold all status flags |
tem_stencilElement_type | tem_stencil_module | None | Element stencil definition |
tem_stencilHeader_type | tem_stencil_module | None | Stencil definitions |
tem_stlData_type | tem_stl_module | None | Triangle information for all the STLs |
tem_stlHead_type | tem_stl_module | None | This type contains STL information read from the Lua configuration. |
tem_stringKeyValuePair_type | tem_stringKeyValuePair_module | None | Defines a key/value pair of strings that can be set or retrieved. |
tem_subres_prop_type | tem_subres_prop_module | None | |
tem_subTree_type | tem_subTree_type_module | None | Datatype for sub trees incl. local and global information as well as an array of pointers to the global list of treeIDs |
tem_surfaceData_stlHead_type | tem_surfaceData_module | None | |
tem_surfData_type | tem_surfaceData_module | None | Datatype to store the surface information in. The surface data consists of an array of unique points (XYZ coordinates) and their connectivity list (triangles). |
tem_temporal_type | tem_temporal_module | None | defines different temporal types like const, lua func or predefined func |
tem_time_type | tem_time_module | None | Description of time |
tem_timeControl_type | tem_timeControl_module | None | Definition of a time control. |
tem_timer_type | tem_timer_module | None | |
tem_timerconfig_type | tem_timer_module | None | Configuration of the output for the timers. |
tem_tracking_config_type | tem_tracking_module | None | Contains all config information about tracking Content in tracking config must NOT change! |
tem_tracking_instance_type | tem_tracking_module | None | Tracking entity definition |
tem_tracking_type | tem_tracking_module | None | |
tem_trackingControl_type | tem_tracking_module | None | General information about the tracking entities This data type is set in tem_load_tracking, then updated in tem_init_tracker_subTree After load balancing, it is reset in tem_reload_tracking |
tem_transformation_type | tem_transformation_module | None | Data type defines geometry transformation |
tem_translation_type | tem_transformation_module | None | Data type defines geometry translation |
tem_triangle_type | tem_triangle_module | None | This type contains three vertices of the triangle |
tem_variable_type | tem_variable_module | None | Description of user defined variables. |
tem_varMap_type | tem_varMap_module | None | Contains variable labels and their positions in a varSys |
tem_varSys_op_data_type | tem_operation_module | None | Type which is the method_data for derived variables, hence it consists of the point index for each input variable size: number of inputs variable |
tem_varSys_op_type | tem_varSys_module | None | Description of the method how to obtain a variable |
tem_varSys_solverData_evalElem_type | tem_varSys_module | None | A supporting data type to define a solver specific element evaluation for stfuns. |
tem_varSys_type | tem_varSys_module | None | Description of the variable system. |
tem_vrtx_prop_type | tem_vrtx_prop_module | None | Datatype for deformed elements, which is filled in Seeder |
tem_vrtx_type | tem_vrtx_module | None | Datatype for the vrtx dependend information. A dynamic array and a growing array are 'coupled'. The comparison between the real coordinates is shifted to the integer comparison of the dynamic array. The size of the two arrays are the same. Additionally a map of the 8 vertices for each element to the global index is stored. |
tracking_type | tem_varSys_opVar_test | None | |
tracking_type | tem_varSys_stfunVar_test | None | |
tracking_type | tem_varSys_test | None | |
treelmesh_type | treelmesh_module | None | declaration of the overall mesh on the local partition |
var_index | tem_varSys_opVar_test | None | |
var_index | tem_varSys_stfunVar_test | None | |
variable | test_copyOperator | None |