Module | Source File | Description |
env_module | env_module.f90 | Definitions and routines to help deployment in the environment of the hosting system. |
hvs_ascii_module | hvs_ascii_module.f90 | This module encapsulates the data type for ascii and asciiSpatial output format. |
hvs_aux_module | hvs_aux_module.f90 | This module contains some aux routines for libharvesting |
hvs_base64_module | hvs_base64_module.f90 | This module provides the methods for base64Encoding. |
hvs_output_module | hvs_output_module.f90 | Module to encapsulate output for various formats. |
hvs_vtk_module | hvs_vtk_dummy.f90 | This module encapsulates the dummy routines if executable is build with --no_vtk. |
hvs_vtk_module | hvs_vtk_module.f90 | This module encapsulates the output in VTK format. |
hvs_vtk_type_module | hvs_vtk_type_module.f90 | This module encapsulates the data type for VTK output format. |
tem_abortCriteria_module | tem_abortCriteria_module.f90 | This module provides the definition of various abort criteria upon which a simulation should be stopped. Note that solvers may extend this table and have their own set of addititonal abort parameters to be set in this table. |
tem_absorbLayer_module | tem_absorbLayer_module.f90 | This module gathers the various spatial absorbLayer definitions |
tem_acoustic_pulse_module | tem_acoustic_pulse_module.f90 | |
tem_adaptation_config_module | tem_adaptation_config_module.f90 | This module contains routines to load the adaptation parameters |
tem_adaptation_module | tem_adaptation_module.f90 | |
tem_arrayofarrays_module | tem_arrayofarrays_module.f90 | This module provides generic growing arrays of other (dynamic) arrays. |
tem_aux_module | tem_aux_module.f90 | Some auxilary routines, providing frequently needed common tasks. |
tem_balance_module | tem_balance_module.f90 | last iteration the dynamic load balancing was called |
tem_bc_header_module | tem_bc_header_module.f90 | The tem_bc_header is providing an overview of the boundary conditions defined in the configuration of the solver. |
tem_bc_module | tem_bc_module.f90 | Definition of the boundary property for elements |
tem_bc_prop_module | tem_bc_prop_module.f90 | A module to provide informations on boundary condition tem_bc_module property for elements. |
tem_box_module | tem_box_module.f90 | This module provides the description of geometrical object 'box' and |
tem_canonicalND_module | tem_canonical_module.f90 | This module provides the user with a simple geometrical object like point, line, plane and box. |
tem_color_prop_module | tem_color_prop_module.f90 | This module provides the description of colors for elements. |
tem_comm_env_module | tem_comm_env_module.f90 | This module provides basic information on the parallel environment |
tem_comm_module | tem_comm_module.f90 | This module provides the data structure for the communication during the simulation. |
tem_compileconf_module | tem_compileconf_module.f90 | |
tem_compteFaceRules_module | tem_computeFaceRules_module.f90 | Module with routines to decide whether a faces is a compute face or not. |
tem_condition_module | tem_condition_module.f90 | Return a logical if the input relation holds where the relation is: val operation threshold |
tem_construction_module | tem_construction_module.f90 | This module creates the required treeID lists, from which then the state vector and the neighbor information can be constructed. |
tem_convergence_module | tem_convergence_module.f90 | This module contains type definition and routines for convergence to decide steady state status. |
tem_coordinate_module | tem_coordinate_module.f90 | |
tem_coupling_module | tem_coupling_module.f90 | Contains data types and routines needed for coupling via apesmate |
tem_cube_module | tem_cube_module.f90 | This module contains cube definitions and routine to load |
tem_cylinder_module | tem_cylinder_module.f90 | This module contains cylinder definition and routines related to cylinders |
tem_cylindricalWave_module | tem_cylindricalWave_module.f90 | This module gathers information for the scalar cylindrical wave. |
tem_cylindricalWave_module | tem_cylindricalWave_module.f90 | This module gathers information for the scalar cylindrical wave. |
tem_debug_module | tem_debug_module.f90 | Provide a general debug environment. See tem_load_debug for configuration options. |
tem_depend_module | tem_depend_module.f90 | |
tem_derived_module | tem_derived_module.f90 | This module |
tem_dyn_array_module | tem_dyn_array.f90 | Module to provide smart growing data structures. |
tem_element_module | tem_element_module.f90 | This module provides descriptions for elements |
tem_ellipsoid_module | tem_ellipsoid_module.f90 | This module contains ellipsoid definition and routines related to ellipsoids |
tem_face_module | tem_face_module.f90 | Module providing datatypes and routines regarding face information. |
tem_faceData_module | tem_faceData_module.f90 | Datatypes and routines for face descriptions. |
tem_float_module | tem_float_module.f90 | Floating point numbers need a special treatment due to their storage format. |
tem_gamma_module | tem_gamma_F2008.f90 | Module to provide access to the gamma function. |
tem_general_module | tem_general_module.f90 | Initialize general infrastructure settings of treelm. |
tem_geometry_module | tem_geometry_module.f90 | Geometric methods for the TreElM module to act on a octree based mesh. Make sure to read the introduction to the distributed octree in the Documentation. |
tem_global_module | tem_global_module.f90 | This module provides the global part of the TREe based ELemental Mesh, which is needed on each partition. |
tem_grow_array_module | tem_grow_array.f90 | Module to provide simple growing data structures. The dynamic arrays provided by this module are capable of handling lists of values, which might need to grow over time. Removal of entries is not possible directly. The complete module might be put into a CoCo Text template, to create new modules of this object for different types. For now, two different templates are used for the declaration part and the implementation part. |
tem_halo_module | tem_halo_module.f90 | This module provides descriptions for elements |
tem_heaviside_gibbs_fun_module | tem_heaviside_gibbs_fun_module.f90 | |
tem_ic_predefs_module | tem_ic_predefs_module.f90 | This module gathers the various predefined initial conditions |
tem_ini_condition_module | tem_ini_condition_module.f90 | This module provides the functionality to fill the initial values in the computational domain. |
tem_interpolation_module | tem_interpolation_module.f90 | this module is intended to collect all data types and informations for interpolation of data for cells of different refinement levels (so ghost or halo cells). |
tem_intersection_module | tem_geometry_line.f90 | |
tem_isNaN_module | tem_isNaN_IEEE.f90 | This module encapsulates the available isNaN implementation |
tem_line_module | tem_line_module.f90 | This module contains lines description and growing array |
tem_logging_module | tem_logging_module.f90 | Providing a logging infrastructure to easily control the verbosity of output. |
tem_logical_operation_var_module | tem_logical_operation_var_module.f90 | This module provides logical operations for variables in the variable system. |
tem_lua_requires_module | tem_lua_requires_module.f90 | This module is used to track the requires in loaded Lua scripts. |
tem_math_module | tem_math_module.f90 | Some generic matrix and vector function |
tem_matrix_module | tem_matrix_module.f90 | Contains data_types and function for matrix operations |
tem_mergesort_module | tem_mergesort_module.f90 | description missing |
tem_meshInfo_module | tem_meshInfo_module.f90 | This module provides the functionality to derive mesh dependent information for tracking output. |
tem_miescatter_module | tem_miescatter_module.f90 | This module gathers the definition of the analytical solution by scattering of an electromagnetic wave at a dielectric sphere/cylinder. The solution is given by means of Mie-series. The solution is given in: Cai, W., & Deng, S. (2003). An upwinding embedded boundary method for Maxwell’s equations in media with material interfaces: 2D case. Journal of Computational Physics, 190(1), 159–183. doi:10.1016/S0021-9991(03)00269-9 |
tem_miescatter_module | tem_miescatter_module.f90 | This module gathers the definition of the analytical solution by scattering of an electromagnetic wave at a dielectric sphere/cylinder. The solution is given by means of Mie-series. The solution is given in: Cai, W., & Deng, S. (2003). An upwinding embedded boundary method for Maxwell’s equations in media with material interfaces: 2D case. Journal of Computational Physics, 190(1), 159–183. doi:10.1016/S0021-9991(03)00269-9 |
tem_operation_module | tem_operation_module.f90 | |
tem_operation_var_module | tem_operation_var_module.f90 | This module provides a mechanism to define new variables in the simulation by applying some operator on existing variables. |
tem_output_module | tem_output_module.f90 | This module provides the possibility of dumping the simulation status (e.g. the state vector) to disc and reading the information later on to restart the simulation at a certain point of time. |
tem_param_module | tem_param_module.f90 | Parameter lists for Treelm |
tem_path_array_module | tem_path_array.f90 | Module to provide dynamic structures for treeID elements |
tem_plane_module | tem_plane_module.f90 | This module contains plane boundary definition and routines |
tem_pmlLayer_module | tem_pmllayer_module.f90 | This module gathers information for the PML damping functions. |
tem_point_module | tem_point_module.f90 | This module contains \ref points description and growing array |
tem_pointData_module | tem_pointData_module.f90 | This module contains data type and subroutines required to store levelWise points and values for variable access |
tem_polygon_material_module | tem_polygon_material_module.f90 | This module provides a spatial function to describe a 2D polygon. |
tem_probing_module | tem_probing_module.f90 | This module provides some little functionality to easily write data into files for debugging. |
tem_property_module | tem_property_module.f90 | Module to describe additional elmental properties, like boundary conditions. |
tem_prophead_module | tem_prophead_module.f90 | Declaration of the element property header data, which is globally defined for all processes. |
tem_reduction_spatial_module | tem_reduction_spatial_module.f90 | This module applies reductions to a set of quantities |
tem_reduction_transient_module | tem_reduction_transient_module.f90 | This module reduces values in time |
tem_refining_module | tem_refining_module.f90 | Module that allows the refinement of a given tree to create a mesh with a different resolution. |
tem_restart_module | tem_restart_module.f90 | This module provides the main IO facilities to read and write large amounts of data during the simulation. |
tem_revision_module | tem_revision_module.f90 | |
tem_rotation_module | tem_rotation_module.f90 | This module provides rotations of a child cell and its relations to direct neighbors |
tem_shape_module | tem_shape_module.f90 | Geometrical shape definitions for pre-defined bodies |
tem_simControl_module | tem_simControl_module.f90 | This module provides the facility to control the execution of the solver. |
tem_solveHead_module | tem_solveHead_module.f90 | Some auxilary routines, providing frequently needed common tasks. |
tem_spacetime_fun_module | tem_spacetime_fun_module.f90 | A module to deal with generic space-time functions. |
tem_spacetime_var_module | tem_spacetime_var_module.f90 | This module provides variable definitions for space time functions. |
tem_Sparta_module | tem_sparta_module.f90 | The implementation is based on the SPartA Algorithm. |
tem_spatial_module | tem_spatial_module.f90 | Spatial functions let you describe functions that may vary in space.
The are needed for initial conditions and volumetric information like
source terms.
A space-time function that depends also on time can be constructed by
the space-time function of kind |
tem_sphere_module | tem_sphere_module.f90 | This module contains sphere definition and routines related to spheres |
tem_spongeLayer_module | tem_spongelayer_module.f90 | This module gathers the various spatial spongeLayer definitions |
tem_status_module | tem_status_module.f90 | This module handles the various status bits and performs the relevant communications. For example if one process ends, this information is stored in a bit and communicated to all other processors. |
tem_stencil_module | tem_stencil_module.f90 | Stencil definitions for the elements |
tem_stl_module | tem_stl_module.f90 | This module provides stl data type and routine to load all stl files and store them in stl_node_type |
tem_stlb_io_module | tem_stlbIO_module.f90 | This module provides functionality for reading and writing stl files. |
tem_stringKeyValuePair_module | tem_stringKeyValuePair_module.f90 | |
tem_subres_prop_module | tem_subres_prop_module.f90 | This module provides the description of subresolution for elements. |
tem_subTree_module | tem_subTree_module.f90 | This module contains subroutines needed to create and update subTrees from corresponding global trees. |
tem_subTree_type_module | tem_subTree_type_module.f90 | Module for the subTree datatype. |
tem_surfaceData_module | tem_surfaceData_module.f90 | This module provides the functionality to read surface information from file (stl, ...) and stores them in a surfaceData datatype. |
tem_temporal_module | tem_temporal_module.f90 | This module gathers different temporal effect treatments. like: constant, lua function and predefined Fortran function. \n Currently supports: |
tem_time_module | tem_time_module.f90 | The module contains the time definition of treelm. |
tem_timeControl_module | tem_timeControl_module.f90 | This module provides functions to control explicit time stepping solvers. |
tem_timer_module | tem_timer_module.f90 | Timer infrastructure methods for the TreElM module |
tem_tools_module | tem_tools_module.f90 | Additional methods for the TreElM module |
tem_topology_module | tem_topology_module.f90 | This module provides informations and operations on the topology of the complete linearized octree. It is completely independent of the actual sparse octree and therefore this module is independent of the Treelmesh_module. |
tem_tracking_module | tem_tracking_module.f90 | Tracking enables the simulation to extract values of variables from within arbitrary parts of the mesh. |
tem_trackmem_module | tem_trackmem_module.f90 | Module to track various relevant memory information during runtime. |
tem_transformation_module | tem_transformation_module.f90 | This module provide datatype and routine for transformation of geometrical objects i.e translation and deformation |
tem_triangle_module | tem_triangle_module.f90 | \brief Module to describe triangles. Contains triangle type with vertices of the triangle |
tem_utestEnv_module | tem_utestEnv_module.f90 | Module to create Treelm environment for unit testcases. |
tem_variable_module | tem_variable_module.f90 | A generic variable definition which can be loaded from a Lua file. |
tem_varMap_module | tem_varMap_module.f90 | Contains varMap type definition to store requested variable position in the global varSys and routine to create varMap from given variable labels |
tem_varSys_module | tem_varSys_module.f90 | The variable system allows the description of arbitrary quantities and their relations. |
tem_vrtx_module | tem_vrtx_module.f90 | A module to provide informations on vertex property for elements. |
tem_vrtx_prop_module | tem_vrtx_prop_module.f90 | A module to provide informations on vertex property for elements. |
treelmesh_module | treelmesh_module.f90 | TREe based ELemental Mesh module, providing the definition and methods to act on a octree based mesh. |